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Children are gathered around a table, observing a science experiment. A lit candle is on a plate covered by an inverted glass, secured in place with tesa tape. One child is pointing at it, while the others watch attentively, suggesting they are curious about the experiment. (This text has been generated by AI)
助力梦想 赋能成长 环境保护


德莎作为一家有温度的公司, 在追求技术发展和业务增长的同时,也从未停止过践行社会责任。





A group of children and a few adults stand in a classroom, smiling and posing with peace signs. Some children hold signs with the word tesa. A projection screen in the background displays an image of a globe and sky. (This text has been generated by AI)
Children are gathered around a table, observing a science experiment. A lit candle is on a plate covered by an inverted glass, secured in place with tesa tape. One child is pointing at it, while the others watch attentively, suggesting they are curious about the experiment. (This text has been generated by AI)



通过德莎志愿者的讲解和实验互动来激发青少年对于科技的兴趣和积极思考, 发掘自身未知的潜能。




德莎大中华区自2015年起就参与由上海根与芽举办的“百万植树计划”公益项目,持续为该项目捐赠并发动员工前往沙化区域参与植树,建造绿色家园。目前已累计在内蒙古种植 10,500 棵树,公益林面积达 240.91 亩。在宁夏种植10,000 棵灌木,面积 50 亩。

A person stands on sand dunes holding a large blue and red flag. Behind them is a billboard displaying various logos and text in multiple languages, including one referencing tesa tape. The sky is clear and the landscape is sparse with vegetation. (This text has been generated by AI)