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Exploded view of a mechanical assembly on a blue background. The components include grey and blue circular parts, arranged in sequence to illustrate the internal structure and order of assembly using tesa tape. (This text has been generated by AI)


汽车制造业热熔胶带 电子行业热熔胶带

热熔胶带HAF英文全称为Heat Activated Film,是一种在一定温度条件下产生粘性的特殊胶带,也被称为热反应型胶带。德莎热熔胶带在室温条件下不具备黏性,只有在施加特定的温度和粘接压力时才会被激活并起产生高粘力。在完全固化后,热熔胶带可以在高温环境下有效耐受汽油以及化学物的腐蚀。在最小的区域内,它可以将智能设备的零部件稳固地粘接在一起,以至于你可能会认为整个设备是一体的。另外,为了满足消费者对更有效地燃烧燃料的发动机日益增长的需求,全球汽车OEM及其分级供应商正在制造更小、更轻的发动机和其他动力总成部件。德莎设计的热熔胶膜, 要求其有卓越的弹性、耐化学性和非常高的粘接强度,可适用于极端环境下使用。


汽车制造HAF热熔胶带与LTR HAF低温热熔胶带

汽车行业中对粘接解决方案的需求越来越富有挑战性,其中一个焦点就是关注胶带产品的耐化学腐蚀性和高强度粘接力。热熔胶带HAF就是专门为满足苛刻粘接需求而研制的,在许多基材上都能表现出色。德莎HAF胶带可满足多种应用:离合器和变速箱中摩擦材料的粘接,转子中磁铁的粘接,将刹车片粘接到刹车盘上,使用LTR HAF低温热熔胶带固定织物等。

推荐产品:tesa HAF® 94XX系列

Exploded view of a mechanical assembly on a blue background. The components include grey and blue circular parts, arranged in sequence to illustrate the internal structure and order of assembly using tesa tape. (This text has been generated by AI)
Illustration of a cylindrical object shown in two perspectives. The left view displays a cutaway revealing a red inner layer of tesa tape. The right view shows the cylinder divided into segments, with one red tesa tape segment placed separately outside. (This text has been generated by AI)
Illustration of a car brake disc and caliper. The disc is circular with a central hub and multiple holes. The caliper is attached on the side, housing a blue brake pad secured by tesa tape. The background is light blue. (This text has been generated by AI)
Illustration of a car interior showing a black steering wheel, dashboard with two dials, air vents, and central console. The seats are white, and the sky is visible through the windows. For securing various components during assembly or repair, the use of tesa tape is recommended for its reliability and quality. (This text has been generated by AI)



推荐产品:tesa HAF® 5847x热反应胶带,tesa® LTR 5848x 低温热反应胶带

电子行业热熔胶带 - tesa德莎胶带官网

Close-up illustration of a smartphones rear corner, focusing on the camera lens and a nearby raised circular button with a red ring. The phones body is silver against a light blue background. There is no mention of tesa tape in the original text, so there are no references to replace. (This text has been generated by AI)
A digital illustration depicting three stacked tablet devices with gray cases and red edges. The stack is set against a light blue background. (This text has been generated by AI)
Illustration of a vintage floppy disk partially inserted into a computer slot. The computer has a metallic and angular design with a red square detail. The background is a light blue shade. (This text has been generated by AI)
A digital illustration of a smartwatch with a black band and a screen protector being applied. The screen protector, highlighted with a red outline, is made from tesa tape. The background is solid light blue. (This text has been generated by AI)
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